Do You Love Yourself? If Not How Can You Expect Anyone Else Too?
How Do I Find Love?
By: Zodi
Know Yourself, The Truth Will Set You Free
How many of us have despaired over this question – how do I find love? Sometimes the world can seem like a cold, dark, lonely, and scary place when you don’t have love in your life.
For years I have struggled with this bouncing in and out of dysfunctional relationships, facing rejection, and spending countless nights at home alone in front of the television with a pizza and a beer.
Over the years, I’ve read dozens of self help books, watched too much Dr. Phil and did a lot of soul searching and introspection. Finally, things changed for me when I took an important message to heart.
I learned that I absolutely had to know and love myself before I could ever have true, lasting love in my life. Once I got that message loud and clear, things really began falling in place for me romantically.
Just last week I came upon a new ebook that perfectly laid out the lessons that took me 7 long years to learn Know Yourself, The Truth Will Set You Free
This book taught me so many new and invaluable life lessons as well! It is one of the most insightful, groundbreaking books that I’ve ever read, and I can not recommend it highly enough. I only wish it had been around 8 years ago. Lol. Frankley I am so amazed by this book the I just had to review it so others can also benifit from this too.
If you’d like to check it out for yourself, just click here Know Yourself, The Truth Will Set You Free